Lead Routing Rules

CRM Lead routing rules within the Salesboom Cloud CRM software solution allow your organization to define specific lead qualification and sales force automation business processes that Salesboom will then automate. The result is a marketing and sales process that is much more defined, efficient and successful.

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Lead routing and prospect assignment are easily automated in Salesboom CRM Software system package. Capturing leads in a form and automatically routing the prospect lead to the appropriate sales rep is a manual process for many companies who use CMS-based forms. With Salesboom we provide a new insight into lead management capabilities that enables you to select alerts and routing of leads based on a variety of commonly used routing rules. Our lead routing rules ensures you get the prospect into the hands of your sales people quickly and efficiently, hence increasing the rates of your lead generation process software!

Marketing and sales alike love how Salesboom can alert them and automatically create follow up tasks when a lead of a certain criteria is created. Or if a lead has been qualified Salesboom can automatically route it to the appropriate sales rep for speedy follow up.

Main Features:

  • Set email alerts to sales reps upon completion
  • Route prospect leads to sales automatically upon form completion
  • Route leads based on geographic territory
  • Route based on role
  • Route leads based on account ownership
  • Create a round-robin

Create different routing rules to distribute your leads to the right individuals based on 100% customizable conditions. For instance, a lead signs up from your website via a Salesboom 'Web Capture Tool' online form and is from China, which Salesboom automatically routes to your Chinese sales rep. Salesboom automatically assigns a follow up task to that sales rep and an email is sent to alerting her in real time of the lead signup.

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Lead Routing Rules
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POP3 E-mail Support
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Once you truly gain full visibility into your company's business processes, you'll never want to go back to the dark again. We guarantee it. Take a Free CRM Software 30-day Trial today, or contact us directly for more information: 1.855.229.2043 (1.855.229.2043) or via e-mail at sales@salesboom.com.

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CRM Software Apps - What Cloud CRM fits you?

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Microsoft Outlook CRM Solutions

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QuickBooks CRM Solutions

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