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HomeSmall business Advice GuideEmployment and HR The Rewards of Small business Outsourcing

The Rewards of Small business Outsourcing

Using outside firms to do work that would normally be done within a company is called outsourcing. Usually many small businesses outsource things such as accounting, payroll processing, shipping, etc.  While many larger companies use outsourcing to cut internal costs, for the small business this is typically the only way they can manage effectively.  Outsourcing has become such a standard business practice that many new industries have been created to handle everyone's outsourcing needs.

While many small businesses turn to outsourcing, few thoroughly understand the benefits of the practice itself. Outsourcing - which is a great way to save money - is also very beneficial for many other reasons.  In the early 90's outsourcing became very popular, as the economy flattened out and the recession forced huge layoffs. Many companies turned to outsourcing as a way to stay in business.  Conversely many small businesses started to outsource too much and that is an even bigger mistake then not outsourcing at all.  It is important to understand what and how to outsource - to aid your small business in the long term. 

Control capital costs

A major factor in deciding to outsource is the desire to control capital costs.  When you outsource you can free up capital investment by turning fixed costs into variable costs.  By avoiding large expenditures in the early stages of your small business, this can make you more attractive to future investors as you can utilize the capital that you have to focus on revenue building.   

Become more efficient

Outsourcing is also one way to gain an important advantage over your competition. Some small businesses that do everything internal have a much higher operating cost which only lead to a higher price on there goods or services.  By outsourcing you can streamline your expenditures and keep your pricing down.

Human Resource cost reduction

Focusing your human resources where you need them the most is another benefit of outsourcing.  Staffing issues can be very draining on a small business.  Sometimes temporary help can become more of a burden then an asset.  By developing business relationships with other companies through outsourcing, you are using there specific expertise and letting them manage there own people.  You become less accountable in the end. 

Fast-track projects

A project that may take you weeks or months to complete, may be completed much faster by an outsourcing firm that has more resources.  A good example of this is call center outsourcing.  A small business can outsource technical issues to a call center instead of using the investment of capital and time to create there own.

Direct your focus

One clear advantage of outsourcing is the leverage you have to direct your focus to your core business.  Limited resources, time and attention are the plague of all small businesses.  With outsourcing you can help your people prioritize on work that best serves your customer and that provides the best sources of income.

Become more competitive

If you are a new business or smaller company then your competition, you can level the playing field by outsourcing.  By networking your resources with other small businesses you can compete on all levels and to the same scale as your competition.  The key to networking people and resources is through fluent, and clear communication.  For sales and customer management, most large businesses have employed some type of customer relationship management system.  For years this tool has given them an advantage. For the small business that is outsourcing, you can now use online hosted Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to best manage your customers, and connect with your outsourced partners.  Sharing related and specified data with your partners will erase the advantage that your larger competition enjoys.  on demand hosted CRM software solutions such as will help your small business become more competitive.

Play it safe

Risk is an element of every small business.  Because various conditions in business can change very quickly (technology, financial, markets, competition, government regulations, etc.) it's important to be flexible and adaptable to these changes.  By outsourcing your providers you can make these changes very quickly without having to restructure your small business. 

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