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CRM Call Center Software Solution

CRM Call Center Software | Salesboom Cloud CRM

Salesboom's Cloud Based CRM Call Center Software Solution provide an end-to-end solution for all your contact center business needs. Incorporate Call Center Monitoring, Quality Assurance processes, call center policy automations, Solutions Repositories, billing and HR all in one CRM Call Center business plan.

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Centralization of call management aims to improve company operations and reduce costs, while introducing standardized, streamlined, uniform service for consumers. Most call centers utilize software to develop a CRM Call Center business plan inorder to manage call center activities and to automate processes for quality control and customer service consistency. Most automation in contact centers focus on workforce automation in order to ensure good customer services, to track issues, and monitor for quality control.

Workforce Management software uses historical information in conjunction with projected requirements to generate automated schedules. It also delivers information and process supports to staff that support their activities in delivering superior customer service.

The high cost of personnel and worker inefficiencies accounts for most of the call center operating expenses, and this is what influences software sourcing and outsourcing activities in the industry.

Many call centers are using solutions that have some or all of the following components: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales Force Automation (SFA) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions. The benefit is that these automations can take any size call center to the next plateau of productivity, by introducing the benefits of CRM methodology across all business lines. On-demand CRM solutions offer improvements in call recording management, including integration of the existing software.

Consider the following activities that can be managed with Salesboom's online CRM Solution:

Salesboom Information/Process Management: Problems with inadequate software solutions:
  • Agents logged in
  • Agents available/ready to take calls
  • Agents in wrap up mode
  • Average call duration
  • Average call duration including wrap-up time
  • Longest duration agent available
  • Longest duration call in queue
  • Number of calls in queue
  • Number of calls offered
  • Number of calls abandoned
  • Average speed to answer
  • Average speed to abandoned and service level
  • Calculated by the percentage of calls answered in under a certain time period.
  • Staff take longer than necessary to process a transaction: quantified in staff cost terms.
  • Inefficient call center
  • Inadequate software support
  • Software unpalatable and inadequate for all business lines
Salesboom Value Added Components: Losses with stand-alone call center software:
  • Web-Based Lead Management Software ( Sales Tracking Software ) - Salesboom's hosted Lead Management Software ( Sales Tracking Software ) can help streamline Lead Generation and Lead Management in your Call Center by providing a repository for all the leads generated from your marketing campaign.
  • With web based Contact Management Software you never lose valuable contact information
  • Web-Based Opportunity Management introduces real-time productivity management tools.
Mitigate globalization, outsourcing and shrinking cycle times by building solutions that maximize savings and house solution options to manage the cost and complexity of transportation operations.


CRM Solutions offer customers in the government and non-profit sectors an opportunity to assess, streamline and improve:

  • Operational activities with the automation of basic business processes (marketing, sales, service)
  • Methods of analyzing client behaviour and incorporating business, operational and intelligence strategies
  • Collaboration with clients on multiple communications channels
  • Collaboration between organizational team members with multiple partners to ensure a quality client service experience and follow up
  • Front and back end integration (supply chain) including multiple partner sites/systems
  • Workflow and assignment processes

Continuous Improvement

Consider the opportunities for improvement in the following:

  • Capture how your customers define quality, and design corresponding service strategy
  • Managing and scheduling follow-up sales calls
  • Track customer contact in system so all sources and types of contact are included and viewable by system users
  • Online billing and pricing services
  • User-friendly mechanisms to register customer complaints
  • Self service tools
  • Product use/information/technical assistance 24/7
  • Recognize and address potential problems quickly
  • Identify and addressing service deficiencies
  • Track customer interests and personalize product offerings
  • Collaborative customization or real-time customization
  • Managing and scheduling maintenance, repair, and on-going support
  • Integrate cross-functional systems

Professional Services - CRM Custom Solutions

Salesboom CRM software and Professional Services address specific requirements for the clinical research organizations and delivers on demand solutions that automate processes on time and within budget.

Salesboom has evolved solid solutions based on dialog and responsiveness to customer needs. Salesboom offers a stable, scalable software solution with a successful deployment based on support and flexibility of our stand-alone and custom integrated CRM Solutions for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and support and training services offered as part of our implementation.

Salesboom CRM will deploy a solution that enhances services and processes so you can achieve positive ROI in as short a time as possible:

  • Software Solution – our team will help develop CRM plan, strategic placement and requirements development
  • Identify and automate business processes
  • Software and/or process customization
  • Integration of CRM Software (with existing software)
  • Cleanse/Import Data
  • Reporting on implementation/deployment
  • Professional Training Services and Support Services

The Salesboom Platform:

  • Web Services with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Optional Customization - Capacity for user or professional customization and is fully extensible
  • Development and Integration - Web Services API and AJAX / COMET controls are system standards.
  • Cost control - costs are contained because the platform is proven both flexible and stable
  • Partner Networks - An extensive partner network of over 125 different solutions providers
  • Legacy - Salesboom has an API that facilitates integration for web based CRM/ERP solutions with existing front and back office systems.

Professional Services

Salesboom offers professional services in support of the CRM implementation life-cycle and beyond. You might consider:

  • Business Modeling Services
  • Project Management (PM) Services
  • Professional Data and System Analysis
  • Custom Integration Services
  • Support and Training Services

CRM-Call-Center-Software-solution | Salesboom Cloud CRM

Salesboom Online CRM Software is a truly scalable system that helps you grow and manage your business whatever your industry or enterprise size. It really is the most user friendly and customizable CRM software with Call Efficiency and smart email marketing. We are utilizing a powerful features often found in telemarketing solutions and calls efficiency.

Salesboom CRM solution allows call center users to understand each client as an individual, obtain all relevant client information in one view, and access this information when it matters from anywhere at any time. Employees can understand their accounts inside and out with personalized 360-degree business view, online, and social customer intelligence.

Our CRM software for the call center was once a critical tool for any enterprise seeking to build better client relationships. These call center CRM applications allows organizations to improve customer Service & Support and gain certain efficiencies in call center processes.

The success of customer communication depends completely on the efficient cycle of your Call Centers. Let’s integrate your call center applications with Salesboom CRM, and manage your telemarketing activities during every cycle of your business, from lead capturing, to sales follow up calls and after-sales customer service and support. Telemarketers, sales agents and customer support agents can leverage data from our CRM in all cold calling and outbound call scenarios and provide a more effective response to clients.

Call centers have more frequent interaction with clients than any other department in the company. Further, their intersection points with customers such as resolving a complaint, taking a purchase order, renewing a warranty or up-selling a product are axial in accomplishing strategic business objectives. Call centers is number one beneficiary of Cloud Based CRM software.

In all businesses, every call your employees make or receive counts. It is important that your sales reps and telemarketing people are dealing with the right tools and the right information to interact with your clients. A perfect synchronization between your Salesboom CRM Software and the phone system is just what you need, so you can stop wasting valuable time and start managing your calls from Our Cloud Based CRM solution. Get colored reminders on your records to be contacted soon, know who is contacted you and have contextual information about your clients to provide a more effective response.

With over a hundred new leads to make and multiple deals to close, do you have a constant fear about missing out on something important? Don't worry! Our Cloud Based CRM Software will send you prompt reminders on every call to be made.

Once you truly gain full visibility into your company's business processes, you'll never want to go back to the dark again. We guarantee it. Take a Free CRM Software 30-day Trial today, or contact us directly for more information: 1.855.229.2043 (1.855.229.2043) or via e-mail at sales@salesboom.com.

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CRM Software Apps - What Cloud CRM fits you?

Team Edition

Cloud CRM Sales Management Software solutions that really speak to the small business. Let our cloud CRM Sales Management Software be there with you during your business growth and development with our Sales Force Automation, Contact Management Software and Customer Service & Support. Whatever your business goals, banking on Salesboom Online Cloud CRM Sales Management Software will help you and your company best manage your sales pipeline.

Professional Edition

An action packed Online, easy-to-use Web Based Cloud CRM Sales management Software solution focusing on Sales Force Automation and Customer Service & Support solutions while integrating company wide in real time. The advantages of cloud CRM Sales management Software applications include streamlined sales processes that will catapult your business to the next level.

Enterprise Edition

Cloud CRM application and Back Office ERP solution integrated across your enterprise in real-time providing your company with the best workflow automation possible. The Enterprise Edition includes Cloud CRM, Sales management software, Inventory Management, Product Management, Project Management, Quickbooks CRM Integration, Accounting and Human Resources Management solutions. Compared to most Web Based Customer Relationship Management Cloud CRM Sales management software vendors, Salesboom is the only to offer a complete Back Office solution integrated across your entire Cloud CRM platform, giving your company the advantage.

Microsoft Outlook CRM Solutions

Salesboom's Cloud Customer Relationship Management Cloud CRM outlook Integration software allows you to keep your existing MS email management software by using its Outlook CRM Solutions. Never mind managing multiple programs for contacts and e-mail; within a single integrated cloud CRM Sales management software platform, Salesboom allows all your Microsoft Outlook data to be easily managed with a single login.

QuickBooks CRM Solutions

Salesboom's QuickBooks Cloud CRM Integration from Salesboom gives you one wide view of your company, customers and data all in one place. Salesboom CRM for QuickBooks gives you a seamless two-way synchronization between your Cloud CRM suite including the CRM Sales management software solution and QuickBooks accounting software, with a 100% data accuracy guarantee.

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