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History of CRM: From Ancient Clay Tablets, to Cloud CRM solutions of today

Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, began as a business practice after early Mesopotamian's learned to farm their land. These early framers realized the food they produced was more than they could eat and so the need for trade developed.

Although a recent acronym for Customer Relationship Management, CRM software systems have been in use since the first millennium BCE. Early merchants and scribes kept accurate business records on clay tablets to keep track of what products where sold to which customers, by what quantities and when.

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In the 1990s, CRM transformed from a mere Web based Contact Management and information tool, to a real customer oriented strategy that enhanced customer experience and automated processes easily and efficiently for the first time in the history of small business.

CRM software vendors were focused on bringing CRM applications to big companies that could afford expensive lengthy CRM deployments we saw in the 1990s. Medium and small business was left out.

The History of CRM has changed completely in the current millennium. The Internet, a new medium, can be used to communicate, share and use information economically in ways not possible before. Application Service Providers ASPs are companies that hosted a software solution centrally, and grant access to users on a subscription basis. Users do not have to own the software itself in order to use it, saving tremendous acquisition costs. Most importantly, not having to download, install, maintain, troubleshoot or upgrade the system small to medium sized businesses are able to free resources to compete effectively in the market place.

Although the ASP model has been around since the mid 1990s, CRM started to shift to the hosted on demand model only 3 years ago.

What does hosted CRM mean for medium and small business?

The history of CRM shows lack of focus on smaller companies by traditional CRM vendors. The nature of hosted CRM solutions and the software-as-a-service methodology of today have turned CRM and other on demand small business applications into a necessary commodity for the medium to small business. Three years ago, a small size organization with 150 employees in ten different offices around the world would have to invest a minimum of 1.5 million dollars to acquire a professional grade CRM software solution. Today that same company pays less than $7500 per month to Salesboom.com for a much more robust, stable and comprehensive CRM solution.

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Cloud Sales Software Products

Introduction to Sales force Automation: The Complete CRM Sales Cloud Solution. Click Here

Top 10 Reasons: Sales Reps Love Salesboom.com CRM Click Here

CRM that helps you through sales recession.Click Here

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CRM Software Apps - What Cloud CRM fits you?

Team Edition

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Professional Edition

An action packed Online, easy-to-use Web Based Cloud CRM Sales management Software solution focusing on Sales Force Automation and Customer Service & Support solutions while integrating company wide in real time. The advantages of cloud CRM Sales management Software applications include streamlined sales processes that will catapult your business to the next level.

Enterprise Edition

Cloud CRM application and Back Office ERP solution integrated across your enterprise in real-time providing your company with the best workflow automation possible. The Enterprise Edition includes Cloud CRM, Sales management software, Inventory Management, Product Management, Project Management, Quickbooks CRM Integration, Accounting and Human Resources Management solutions. Compared to most Web Based Customer Relationship Management Cloud CRM Sales management software vendors, Salesboom is the only to offer a complete Back Office solution integrated across your entire Cloud CRM platform, giving your company the advantage.

Microsoft Outlook CRM Solutions

Salesboom's Cloud Customer Relationship Management Cloud CRM outlook Integration software allows you to keep your existing MS email management software by using its Outlook CRM Solutions. Never mind managing multiple programs for contacts and e-mail; within a single integrated cloud CRM Sales management software platform, Salesboom allows all your Microsoft Outlook data to be easily managed with a single login.

QuickBooks CRM Solutions

Salesboom's QuickBooks Cloud CRM Integration from Salesboom gives you one wide view of your company, customers and data all in one place. Salesboom CRM for QuickBooks gives you a seamless two-way synchronization between your Cloud CRM suite including the CRM Sales management software solution and QuickBooks accounting software, with a 100% data accuracy guarantee.

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